It’s siesta time at Santa Rosa

We got in last night at about 8:30 pm local time. It didn’t take long to get settled into the dorms at the Research Center/Park Headquarters. We got up for a 7:30 breakfast, and then went out for an orientation walk with one of the park rangers. More detail will follow later today (including photos), but we got a good introduction to the tropical dry forest, and we saw a lot of great stuff including deer, agoutis, white-faced monkeys, spider monkeys, ctenosaurs and many birds. While the night was fairly cool for sleeping and the morning walk fine, it is very hot now (in the 90’s) and we’re taking some down time before venturing out again at about 3:30 pm to see a slightly different type of (and primary) forest. We will do some field exercises there before returning for dinner at 5:30. It’s a full schedule, but we are staying cognizant of student needs and energy levels–both general and individual.  We will adjust as necessary to suit their needs. We see excited, connected kids, and we’re pleased with how the group is shaping up.

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